The 918 Griffon Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets was founded in November 19, 2018. Supported by many parents, volunteers and staff, the squadron continue to grow. Since this is a new Squadron, we are very much dependent of various financial support to maintain our office and to provide a diversify range training for our cadets.
Want to Purchase Air Cadets Calendar to Fund the 918 Squadron?The Air Cadets Calendar is on sale now. $20 per calendar, $6 back to the squadron. Remember the money we raise will also help to keep up the operation of camps, gliders and other equipment. Extra calendars are also available to any parents who would like to take and sell them outside the squadron (neighbors, friends, colleagues, relatives). Please show your support for the squadron by swinging by to pick up your share of the calendars.
Want to Buy Apples to Fund Directly to the 918 Squadron? The apple sale was finished. Thank you everyone for your help and time. We raised $680 in this apple sale. Parents could pick up their apples on October 25, 2022 at Good Shepherd Church. Thank you for your generosity and support for this fundraising event. We are glad to announced we have reached our raffle sales target. That means the winner of this year’s 50/50 Cash Raffle Draw will receive $2,500. The draw will take place this coming Sunday live in Facebook.
Watch live in Facebook: Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 2:00 PM (MST) ![]() |